
Dream Carver / El tallador de sueños

By Diana Cohn
Illustrated by Amy Córdova Boone

Paperback: $12.95


Between their work growing blue corn and green alfalfa, Manuel and his father carve small wooden animals to sell at the fiestas in Oaxaca, Mexico. Manuel's imagination overflows with goats as pink as blossoming bougainvillea, purple cats with corn-yellow spots, and many more completely unique animals.

When he tells his father how he longs to sculpt creatures in this new style, his father only scowls, telling Manuel to stick to their traditional way. But Manuel practices on his own, trying over and over until he's finally able to carve wood into the lively animals he sees in his mind. Finally, he brings his creations to the fiestas, where he finds out that being true to himself is a great thing!

Including an afterword on the vibrant Mexican art form of wood carvings, as well as information on the real artisan who inspired the book--Manuel Jiménez Ramírez--this colorful tale inspires readers of all ages to follow their passion.

Entre su trabajo cosechando maíz azul y alfalfa verde, Manuel y su padre tallan animalitos de madera para vender en las fiestas de Oaxaca, México. Pero Manuel sueña con dar vida animals más grandes y coloridos. Su imaginación se desborda con cabras tan rosas como las buganvillas en flor, gatos morados con manchas color de maíz amarillo y muchos más animales tan únicos que nunca antes habían sido creados.

Cuando le dice ha su padre que anhela esculpir criaturas en este nuevo estilo, su padre solo frunce el ceño. Él quiere seguir tallando como siempre lo ha hecho. Pero Manuel practica solo, esforzándose y esforzándose, hasta que logra hacer que la madera luzca como los animales alegres que ve en su mente. Al fin, trae sus creaciones a las fiestas, ¡y se da cuenta que ser fiel a sí mismo es algo maravilloso!

Con un epílogo sobre el arte mexicano de tallar madera, e información sobre el verdadero artesano quien inspiro este libro--Manuel Jiménez Ramírez--esta historia vivaz inspira a lectores de todas edades a perseguir sus sueños.

About the Creators

Thumb_diana_cohn Diana Cohn - Author

Diana Cohn has worked on environmental, economic, and global justice issues as a teacher, a media activist, and an advisor, program officer, and executive director in philanthropic institutions. She is the award-winning author of seven children's books, including ¡Si Se Puede! / Yes We Can! Janitor Strike in L.A., The Bee Tree, and Crane Boy, all published by Cinco Puntos Press/Lee & Low. She lives with her husband on a houseboat in northern California.

Thumb_amy_co_rdova_boone_by_stephen_boone_copy Amy Córdova Boone

Amy Córdova Boone is a fine artist who has illustrated multiple children's books and written some of her own. Córdova Boone also works as Art Director of an arts-based cross-curriculum elementary school. Originally from Wisconsin, Córdova Boone now lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico.